Rishi Sunak goes back to the future

Key sentence

Declining, like most recent prime ministers, the customary offer of a seat in the House of Lords, he has devoted himself to business and charitable activities.


Cameron’s premiership from 2010 to 2016 coincided almost wholly with the Obama presidency, Joe Biden was the vice president.


Second, the Cameron appointment signifies that Sunak seeks to govern not from the right, but from the center. A key feature of the reshuffle was the sacking of the already once-fired Suella Braverman, the controversial home secretary and a favorite of right-wing Conservatives.

其次,卡梅伦的任命表明,Sunak寻求的不是由右翼执政,而是由中间派执政。这次改组的一个关键特点是解雇了曾经被解雇的内政大臣、右翼保守党的宠儿苏拉·布雷弗曼(Suella Braverman)。

She had spoken insensitively on homelessness, declaring it “a lifestyle choice”. More crucially, she had infuriated the prime minister by breaking collective responsibility when she ignored his concerns in relation to an article that she had contributed to the TIMEs of London, which critics argued had sought to undermine the operational independence of the police in advance of a large pro-Palestinian march last week.

她毫不敏感地谈到了无家可归,宣称这是“一种生活方式的选择”。更关键的是,她无视总理对她为伦敦《泰晤士报》(TIMEs of London)撰写的一篇文章的担忧,违背了集体责任,激怒了总理。批评人士认为,在上周一场大规模亲巴勒斯坦游行之前,这篇文章试图破坏警方的行动独立性。

Third, and perhaps most importantly, Sunak badly needs to rejuvenate the Conservative Party, which appears tired, uncertain, and lacking direction – having been in government for 13 years either alone or in coalition. The Conservatives have, according to survey evidence, been between 15 and 20 percent behind the Labour Party in the polls for many months.


Were this to be replicated in a general election, which must be held some time before January 2025, Labour would win a landslide greater than that secured by former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who in 1997 gained a majority of 179 seats.

如果这种情况在2025年1月之前举行的大选中重演,工党将以压倒性的优势赢得胜利,超过前首相托尼•布莱尔(Tony Blair)在1997年获得的179个多数席位。

Indeed, since 1964, no party that has been so far ahead at this stage of a parliamentary term has failed to gain the most votes in the ensuing general election.


And governmental reshuffles, however imaginative, rarely alter the political weather. No disillusioned Conservative is likely to say - now that Cameron has been brought back to government and Braverman has been sacked, “I can safely return to the fold.”


The Conservative Party faces two fundamental problems. The first is that it seems to have no philosophy with which to meet the cost-of-living crisis and a widespread feeling that public services - in particular healthy care, social care, and housing - are not working effectively.


The Conservatives have not yet confronted this problem and appear to have no clear sense of direction. Since Brexit, they have been unable to decide whether they are an interventionist or free-market party, whether they believe in an active government or one which tells voters not to look to the state to resolve their problems.


The second problem that the Conservatives face is that of reconciling two opposed constituencies.


It is a familiar observation that social democratic parties in Europe (and perhaps also the US Democrats) need to satisfy two different social groups – a working class that has traditionally been a core constituency of parties of the moderate left but is now decline, as well as a growing professional and graduate middle class.


These two groups tend to favor very different policies. The traditional working class tends to be strongly patriotic, hostile to immigration and multiculturalism, and on the so-called anti-woke side in the culture wars in both countries.


Sunak has yet to show that he can repeat this trick. He faces a threat not just from Labour on his left, but also on his right from the Reform party, the heir to the United Kingdom Independence Party. UKIP was led for much of its existence by Nigel Farage, a brilliant communicator who is perhaps contemplating a return to politics, believing as he does that there is scope for a realignment on the right.

苏纳克还没有证明他可以重复这个把戏。他不仅面临着来自左翼工党的威胁,还面临着来自右翼改革党(英国独立党的继承者)的威胁。英国独立党大部分时间都是由奈杰尔•法拉奇(Nigel Farage)领导的。法拉奇是一位出色的沟通者,他可能正在考虑重返政坛,因为他相信右翼有重组的空间。

But, of course, Americans and others from the wider world will be less concerned with the ins and outs of the government reshuffle than with Cameron’s foreign-policy attitudes, He is best known for having led the campaign to remain in the European Union in 2016. But having now accepted Brexit, he is in a strong position to recalibrate Britain’s relations with the continent, particularly in regard to defense.


UK foreign policy, however, depends less on who is foreign secretary and even less on what government is in power than it does on the ineluctable facts of international life.


Whoever is in power, Britain will remain a stable and tolerant democracy as well as a staunch, reliable ally. On these matters, the country is broadly united. It would be a mistake to believe that the vigorous and sometimes raucous inter- and intraparty debate in Britain indicates any weakening of resolve.




英文词汇 中文释义
customary 惯例的
charitable 慈善的
premiership 首相任期
coincide 与…同时发生(动)
reshuffle 改组(动)
sack 解雇(动)
controversial 有争议的
insensitively 不敏感地
infuriate 激怒(动)
undermine 破坏(动)
operational 运作的
rejuvenate 重振(动)
coalition 联合政府
replicate 复制(动)
landslide 压倒性胜利
secure 获得(动)
alter 改变(动)
disillusion 使幻想破灭(动)
philosophy 指导思想
interventionist 干预主义的
reconcile 调和(动)
moderate 温和的
patriotic 爱国的
hostile 敌对的
multiculturalism 多元文化主义
heir 继承者
contemplate 考虑(动)
realignment 重组
recalibrate 重新调整(动)
ineluctable 不可避免的
tolerant 宽容的
staunch 坚定的
broadly 大体上
vigorous 强有力的
raucous 喧闹的
intraparty 党内的


  1. the ins and outs of

    • 语境:描述政府改组的复杂细节
    • 记忆点:“ins and outs"比喻事物的方方面面
  2. in a strong position to

    • 应用场景:外交政策调整时的战略优势
    • 句式拓展:be in a strong position to negotiate(处于有利谈判地位)
  3. collective responsibility

    • 关联概念:英国内阁集体负责制原则
    • 记忆点:与"个人责任"形成对比
  4. culture wars

    • 典型表现:关于移民政策、历史记忆的争论
    • 当代案例:英国脱欧后的社会分裂
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